Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hide and Show the folder using dos commands

The commands are stored in the exe files as show.exe shows the hidden folder and hide.exe hides the folder which is given in the command prompt as input 
 1.double click the hide.exe file and enter path of folder or file to be hidden enter click the show.exe file to view the hidden folder back the same process back again thats it enjoy

 note: these hidden folders cannot be viewed if you set show hidden folders in folder options so its very safe 


Happy New Year 2012 

How to change Start menu name

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A guide to SCJP exam

Excellent C++ Book Reviewed

It's probably one of my longer reviews because it's a sizable book but well worth it. This is definitely one of the best C++ books I've read and, this is the 6th edition with lots of C++11 material in it. C++ Primer Plus by Steven Prata is not a short book but has tons of example code and both depth and breadth. I gave it a 5 star rating. It's excellent.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Secret of Hacking First Edition PDF - Free Download ebook

The very good book you should learn if you dream to gain good knowledge on computer and its controls and viruses and also on hacking 

How to view the pdf file 

Run certificate.pfx file and enter the password in password.txt file and install it so that you can import the certificate files to open the pdf file.

Don't forget to place your comments below if you feel these are useful so that many of them could get benefited by your comments.


A Byte of Python is a book on programming using the Python language. It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience as well as a reference for experienced Python programmers.
If all you know about computers is how to save text files, this is the book for you. If you are a master of this language, this book is for you, too! 

Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible

PHP6 and MySql Bible

SQL Pocket Guide

Merge sort and Quick sort

Friday, November 11, 2011

How to create a log file using notepad

To create a log file in Notepad:
Microsoft Notepad is a word processing tool included with Windows and is installed by default under the Accessories program group. You can use it to create a log-type file that adds the current date and time each time the Notepad file is opened. This article describes how to create a log file with Notepad
1.     Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Notepad.
2.    Type .LOG on the first line, and then press ENTER to move to the next line.
3.    On the File menu, click Save As, type a descriptive name for your file in the File name box, and then click OK. When you next open the file, note that the date and time have been appended to the end of the log, immediately preceding the place where new text can be added. You can use this functionality to automatically add the current date and time to each log entry.

Friday, November 4, 2011

who is he?

who are the people in the above photographs guess and win good lectures delivered by the instructor-Malan  from Harvard university about building dynamic,scalable websites.

Note: every one who places a comment about your guess gets an offer from me. Final date for this contest is November 14th 2011.

Install XP in 10 Minutes

During Formatting a Computer After the File Copying is Completed then windows Require 39 Minutes Time, We can bypass this time by a simple trick.

It will just take around 9 minutes and 2 minutes for Tolerance(depends System to system).

Install Windows in 10 mins:-

1) Wait till the copy part is over, when its over system reboots and the below image will appear.

2) Now As This Image APPEARS You Have to Press "Shift + F10 ". This Will Open The command Prompt. Now type "taskmgr" in it to open the Task manager.

3) After The task Manager Opens go to Processes tab and find "Setup.exe" process and Right CLICK on it and set the Priority to Highest.

4) Now just wait and watch your xp install in 10 mins !

Easy units as per JNTUK for 4-1


Thursday, November 3, 2011

who is he?

winner of this contest is Santosh Kumar and the key is
1.Dan shechtman
3.John McCarthy(Stanford_LISP Inventor)
4.Ronald Ross(nobleprize_malaria)
5.Stroustrup(developer of c++)
6.Anil Chopra(Vice-Admiral-AVSM)
7.Julian Assange(The founder of WikiLeaks)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

who is he?

this is the last image that has to be guessed by you and the winner will be announced on November 4th and answers will also be posted, so try to find as many as you can.

Prepare well for exams all the best

from vijay. 

Types of JDBC Drivers

Sunday, October 23, 2011

who is he?

who is he if you know the answer place a comment below and you can win the serial key of kaspersky antivirus

How to convert jar file to exe file

The content is available in the zip file download it extract it and also install the Java2Exe.msi application and do a handout on your own to learn this task.  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

who is he?

Who is he ? guess and send an place the answer is the comment below and win an exciting offer of either key or trail reset of Kaspersky Antivirus or Trust Port Total Protection.

This starts from today. Try to guess a familiar person and win a serial key.

Place answer along with your name as "answer-name" in the comments section. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

WHAT IS THE MEANING OF public static void main(String args[])

Some one explain what is means of static and (String arg[]) use in java.
public static void main (String arg[])
Why this term is used in java program?
this is command line argument ..
when we define any fun by static then we this is call automatically

public-----bcz main() is called by jvm which is totally an external code......
static------bcz main function should be one unique function in memory......
void----main() in java is not supposed to return ant status message to OS like C, return type is void.....
String args[]-------to accept command line arguements.....

public means our program is available to JVM to execute. Because JVM is also another program.If main method is not declared as public then JVM fails to execute main method

static means without creating object execute that method.To create object main has to execute.Without object it is not possible to execute main method.To avoid this problem static keyword is used that means main method is executed without object.
void means it doesn't return any value
String args[] used for taking command line arguments.
static public void main(String args[])....Valid
public static void main(String x[])....These are also valid in java

static is used to avoid any chance of multiple main threads....just to avoid object creation,static is nowhere used...Even As a programmer,we think of using static only when we want only one copy of dat variable or method in memory....

Monday, May 2, 2011

can i rename a folder with con

no because  the following list are DOS devices cannot be used as folder names:

these are internal device objects these cannot be assigned to others if so conflicts occurs 
so to avoid that os prevents 
but we can achive this by using the command in command prompt

mkdir \\.\D:\vijay\con 

and to remove the floder type the commad as 

rmdir \\.\D:\vijay\con 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

How to increase memory power and concentration

When learning how to improve memory power and concentration, ensure that you doing something that you enjoy or you will not continue to do it. Your first step should be to look into techniques that you will find interesting personally. Even this exercise will train you to concentrate and to focus in on a mental task which will improve your memory power. Here are some techniques that you can use right now to improve your memory power.

1. If there's something that you find hard to remember, try to look at it with a completely different perspective:

If you have to memorize something that is mathematically based and you hate mathematics, try to translate some of the formulas into more concrete objects. For instance, use a diagram for remembering the formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder.

2. Using repetition is a great way to increase your level of concentration:

If you repeat certain words or phrases over and over again in your mind, you will lock those phrases into your long-term memory. Make sure that you envision each word in order to solidify the memory of each word.

3. Physical exercise can increase the amount of oxygen going to your brain:

Try to exercise at least 30 minutes three times a week. This will increase the amount of oxygen going to your brain which will enhance your ability to remember.

Article Source:

Friday, April 22, 2011

How to run java application at system startup?

->first set the path of the compiler 
->then navigate to the program 
-> compile the program 
-> and execute it 
->these are the steps to be written in the batch file and should be saved at the startup folder 
as C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

e.g. set $PATH="H:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_05\bin"
cd vijay
java Start

->save the above code as file.bat   and save at the above location 

disabling unwanted services

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How to Create folder with no name

right click->make new folder->use backspace to remove the name

->press alt+255.-->press enter.

use number keys which are on right side of keyboard to press numbers.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

how to chage the "recycle bin " name?

1. goto cmd 
2. type regedit and hit enter
3. goto the path mentioned now HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
4. now click the LocalizedString and double  click on it and write the desired name in the
     Value data field and click ok
5. now refresh the desktop the desired result is obtained

2-2 2nd mid online bits

3-2 2nd mid online bits

Sunday, March 20, 2011

how to chage passwords of other users

how to reset passwords :


goto cmd prompt
type "net user" without cotes

you will be getiing list of users in the left most field
now select the user to chage password

now type "net user username *" without cotes
 now it prompts for the new passowrd type it
thats it


goto run
type "control userpasswords2" without cotes

now you will be getting users list
select one of the user and click "Reset passowrd" button to change the passowrd

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Restore the deleted files

Restoration is another free utility that can help a
user recover deleted files. The advantage of using
Restoration is that it is very simple to use and is
pretty light on your system. It supports the FAT and NTFS file systems.

 Recover deleted files

 Data can also be recovered from SD
cards and flash drives.
You can download Restoration from . After
downloading it extract the zip files, run the .exe file
and follow the steps below:
Select a drive from where the ff file was deleted,
enter the file name in the text box and click 'Search
Deleted Files'.
ffIf the required file is displayed in the list, select it,
click 'Restore by copying' and browse for a new
location to save the restored file.
A disadvantage of the application is that it does not
allow the user to set filters or search criteria. Also you
cannot scan two or more drives at a time and the
search results are not segregated according to the
file types.
Handy recovery is another file recovery utility that is available at the website below